Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am 36 and my hair has been slowly falling, I need some advice on how to comb it, or how to style it?

I麓m not bald, I just have very few hair on the top of my head, I don麓t want to shave all off, so how can i get the best look for it?I am 36 and my hair has been slowly falling, I need some advice on how to comb it, or how to style it?
Keep it short...like matt Lauer...that looks the best

http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/6152鈥?/a>I am 36 and my hair has been slowly falling, I need some advice on how to comb it, or how to style it?
I started to lose my hair when I was early twenties, then when I hit 30's the top of my head had very few hairs, and not enough to comb or brush, so my wife told me about 3 years ago (i was 35) just to shave it since I kept it so short anyway, and after getting over the shock of shaving it, I shave it every 2-3 day now and i love it.

Dont be one of those 1970's comb-overs

go bald gracefully, dont fight it, unless you are totally vain (and it doesnt sound that you are)
i'm not a stylist so i can't help you with the best way to comb your hair but heard of some natural products that can enhance hair growth :

scalp massage using cactus oil.

scalp rubbing using red garlic.

Don't have any clue for the bad smell of garlic !
Go with dignity dude... reach for the razor blade. There is no way of making it look better. It just looks pretty sad when people try and cover it up.

Provided you choose the right clothes a shaved head isnt too bad.

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