Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any moms out there have there babies 13 months apart? Need Advice? How to keep the older one stimulated?

Mine were 14 1/2 mos apart. You can try to involve you older child in caring for the baby although it's limited what they can do. As you're sitting on the floor together, ask her to give you a wipe from the container (she may think it's fun to pull it out) or other simple tasks. Reading to them both would never be a bad thing either. Bottom line, of course the ';baby'; will be showered with attention b/c she's the newest, but you still have another baby, so just give you older one lots of extra attention b/c the new baby will never be lacking! Good luck!Any moms out there have there babies 13 months apart? Need Advice? How to keep the older one stimulated?
this is a very difficult task mine were 11 months apart I would just let her join in with all the activities involved with caring for my other daughter when I was feeding I would always make sure my oldest was in the playpen were she couldn't get into any dangers but make sure with your oldest when you get a chance to have time without the baby you involve your self in its activities and have time alone I made a mistake in giving my daughter m and M's during feeding of the baby this was really bad because she still associates sweets with loneliness and she is 24 years oldAny moms out there have there babies 13 months apart? Need Advice? How to keep the older one stimulated?
my daughter is 3 and my son is 2 they are 13 months apart i had no problem with the jelousey thing. when i braught my son home my daughter was very happy all she wanted to do washelp me with everything. i think you should let the older child help you with taking care of the younger one. it makes the child feel important and needed. even if it is just getting the diaper or the wipes or even toys for the baby to play with. my daughter loved it when i would ask her to bring me something she always got a thankyou and a kiss .it madeher love her little brother she would even sit on my lapwhile he ate and try to sing to him. try not to yell at your older child try to comfort find shows that they like and play them even if you are tired of seeing it.

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