Get in contact with MABS, they will help you come to an arrangement with your debtors, you will probably get black listed but if you can not manage to keep your business afloat its not the end of the world.There are supports here in Ireland for when you get into trouble.MABS give advice for situations like yours and are confidential. You are not unique unfortunately, work is scarce on the ground. If you do get black listed it only lasts 5 years but by the time you are back on your feet it will be almost over, good luck.Please, i need advice on how to go about my debt?
Firstly phone your bank and explain the situation you are in, you will not be the first caller, and certainly wont be the last. They will have set policy and guidelines etc on how to handle the debt you have with them.
If that fails there are debt consultancy agency's that you can get help from, they sit downwith you and dicuss you income and outgoings and then they contact your bank/s, credit card company's and say to them that you can only afford to pay say 拢10 a month. And the debt consultancy agrees that with them.
The worst thing that you can do is worry,after all you have a child to look after. Dont worry yourself, you are not alone! The majority of the world is in a recession at the moment, and seriously hundreds and thousands are in your position!
Take care.
I am not sure if its the same in ireland but if you have a citezens advice beareau or consumer cresit counselling then speak to them also speak to your credit card company tell them that your are experiencing financial hardship and explain your situation they may come to some sort of agreement with out thinsg in to perspective it is very unlikely that anything will come of having a credit card debt other than alot of charges letters and phonecalls.....but it is best that you make some sort of arranngement with them before this happens...
I've been in situations like this. Most responsible lenders will try and work out a deal for you to pay X amount back per month depending on your income. I would call them up and tell them your situation. Also, i'm not 100% if you have citizens advice bureau in Ireland but thats always a good place to start. Hope this helps.
Sorry i probably cannot help you, but just wanted to say to spock that he needs to watch the news, it s not so easy to get a job...
only thing you can do is find a job like the rest of us, sorry
find a job
contact my private mail box( for advice and further referees
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