Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on how not to let stress control you?

I'm a sophmore this year (american way of saying 10th grade or year 10). And you guys know what that means, it's gonna be a slap in the face for me after Frosh year (9). But i have this habit where i would stress out so bad that i let my stress from tests, homework, school stuff, etc. control me, which affects my attitude as well. Like, i would get crabby, and really irritated at the smallest things. How do you control and deal with that stress and become more aware of the people around you? Any advice on how to get over that?

I know being relaxed actually helps you focus better because your mind isn't really hazed from all the distractions and anxiety %26amp; stress. but any way to get there when actually being in the state of stress?

thanks %26lt;3Advice on how not to let stress control you?
IF anything is causing you stress then either remove yourself from that situation or think/say to yourself ';I am better than this I am an over comer'; and see how you feel after that.

are you going to let circumstances dictate how you feel or are you going to be a master of your circumstancesAdvice on how not to let stress control you?
My son began having seizures from stress in the 10th grade. He was a gentle giant so kids liked to torment him on top of the normal stress.

Music was his savior. Every chance he got he had on head sets. When not allowed to he used a stress ball and thought of the words of the song I Will Survive. He's loved oldie goldies since he was little instead of heavy metal, punk whatever which tends to feed stress instead of relieving it. Another one he liked was living for the weekend.

He hated school with a passion except for art which also helped him relieve stress. He was really good but not exceptional. It was a good relief valve.

Like the one guy said 10 yrs. from now you won't even remember most of your classmates, let alone still be friends. Focus more on what you want from school and go for it. It's really kind of weird but most of that school stuff won't even matter in the real world. If you'd quit stressing so much you'd be able to retain more though. Stress tends to feed on itself and make matters worse.

Michael always got up early so he could start the day with a little tv. That way school seemed more like just a part of the day than consuming the whole day. Then he'd hang out a couple of hrs. with friends afterwards. It made school alot more bearable.
for stress management? mediation.

develop the ability to hear and sense all (it's hard to explain), but it requires the ability to pay just enough to attention to everything around you to know and sense all. A bad (but good example) is Burt Reynolds in Deliverance, he can 'sense' (and is in tune with) but he also tries to control (which is his ultimate failure). Achieve harmony and be in tune.

Also dont focus on 'what's hot/ what's not';. This is four years of your life that 10 years down the road wont mean ****. ie..of the people you meet now, you'll be lucky if you're still talking to more then 1% of them 10 years later, so go through grade 10 (and 11 and 12), and focus on just getting through. Prioritize, keep a self journal, and practice good time management (whatever that means). But yah meditation is helpful too.

Another good way to avoid stress, not care about other people or what they think, but that's kinda mean, b/c you do need some kind of person to person interaction..
~get outside as much as you can - fresh air %26amp; sunshine can do wonders

~get enough sleep. both your body %26amp; mind (including your ability to stay calm) function soooo much better when they get the rest they need.

~make sure you make time in your life for the fun stuff, like relaxing/hanging out with friends. venting, sharing, and bonding are always awesome, and a good laugh is priceless.

~travel whenever you can... road trips, days at the beach or to the city for a show or a movie. getting away always gives perspective and makes you feel more in control %26amp; excited about what you have in life.

~if you have time, volunteer with those who are less fortunate than you. this'll also give lots of perspective.

~exercise exercise exercise!!! (not meant to say exercise constantly - just mean to emphasize how important it is to do it regularly!)

~1 word: music.
Hey! Everyone's been there! When I got stressed out I'd go to a lake and toss rocks into it.

My best advice is to know that there are other things in life besides tests and homework. I think you need to just (like you said) relax. Get some study/homework buddies. They can help take the stress off.

School is important but don't let it stress you out. Just know when you get stressed to leave for a bit (physically or in your mind) and calm down. Then you can concentrate. :)
well, when you are having anxiety or stressing just stop for a moment and take deep breaths. exercising helps too...really important. i used to go through your situation when i was in high school. always stressed about everything and the next before a test, i would actually dream in my sleep that i am \taking the test and worry about it. now i am a junior in college and i am far from being stressed even though i overloaded myself with eight classes this semester. i guess i am used to it and aware of what will happen. anyways, i am taking a health/stress management class this semester and we are learning how to manage stress. usually 60 percent of the workforce who goes to the doctor to find whats wrong with them and nothing can be is STRESS! stress can lead to illnesses like hypertension etc. so exercising is a bring contribution in alleviating your stress. another technique is meditation. this realy works in relaxing your mind and body. if your stressing for a test the next day, just put yourself in a quiet room and meditate for like ten minutes. don't make judgments like ';this is not working'; blah blah blah...if u keep making judgements just try to erase it and keep concentrating. or find a word you can say in your head while meditating. for example, when i meditate as I inhale (take a deep breath) I say ';je'; and exhale saying ';sus';. I say jesus a two syllable word. don't think of a name like of a particular crush because then you will not be concentrating at all hehehe. eat healthy foods too like veggies and fruits. drink lots of water. just relax :) i wish you the best. don't stress much just go with the flow. ;)
You are waaaay too young to have all this stress. If there are things going on at home like arguments, money problems, divorce, abuse, etc., this could be adding to the normal stress of high school.

You have to organize yourself really well in high school so you can keep your school work manageable. You are more responsible now for independent research than in Junior High. It's important to organize yourself now because college can be even more difficult to handle since there is no set schedule for everyone.

If you are really having difficulty approach your parents or a trusted adult in the family. Speak to the guidance counselor. You may just be in a transition phase and need some advice. High school is not the end of the world. Just be sure to organize yourself, complete your assignments and plan for college. Don't worry about fitting in with everybody. You are an individual.

Make sure you eat a good balanced diet and get good sleep to help you stay focused. Start an exercise routine so you can work the tension out.

You'll be fine; just organize, care for yourself and reach out to someone with experience for advice. Good luck.
Try asking yourself whenever you feel stressed, ';how is this anxiety helping my situation?'; and realize whether you pass or fail the test all this stress won't make a difference so why torture yourself? All you can do is do you best to prepare for the test and 'let the chips fall where they may'. Keep reminding yourself of all this as soon as you feel the stress coming on and it may work for you as well as it has for me. Good luck, score BIG!
Do I soo understand what going on .... I'm a freshman in college and I completely go through stress full things all the time....when I am stressed I separate myself or walk away from whatever it is listen to some music...or go for a walk....just take a break and when I come back to studying I'm usually fresh to start....Make sure you don't over study...If you also plan out your week and study a little bit each day instead of a lot at once you retain more and have less to worry about....

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