Saturday, July 31, 2010

Should we ask advice of Steve Jobs how to containing health care costs?

I think that he might know the secret. After all as health insurance premiums surge 10% a year, at the same time the price of iPhones plunged five-fold from $499 tp $99.Should we ask advice of Steve Jobs how to containing health care costs?
The private sector has a better job than what liberals like Obama and Pelosi think their job is. And they are successful at it. I think that would be like asking an IT supervisor to take a job emtpying septic tanks.

Obama is a wannabe Jospeph Stalin. So he is becoming a wannabe Steve Jobs by trying to takeover more and more of the private sector for the percieved benefit of helping blacks.Should we ask advice of Steve Jobs how to containing health care costs?
Perhaps but a more pertinent question is how much is Apple paying for its employees' health insurance coverage and how fast has that risen in the past few years. One industry model may or may not translate well to another industry. Health care reform could have the same effect of lowering prices due to increased participation in affordable plans.
The reason the cost of the iPhone has dropped is just like the real estate market. Everyone claimed that they were worth the $499 even though they were only worth $99. The consumers refused to continue to pay the ridiculous sum any longer. With the demand falling off, the price was forced to come in-line with the cost.
Economy of scale. The more iphones you make the cheaper they become.

So his solution would be to put everybody in the US in the same health insurance.

Not exactly the answer you were looking for, is it?
He's great at marketing, and every computer in my house including this one is a Mac, I love apple, but I don't wanna entrust the business of the congress to him at the same time :).
So maybe we should apply the liberal California corporate model to national health care. Steve Jobs is a huge hippie by the way.

This may be your best post EVER.

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