Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Any advice on how to transfer my 5 month old from my bed to her crib?

We had her in our bed since she was about a month old due to colic and reflux and now she has grown out of both and we are ready to try to get her to sleep in her crib....Any advice on how to transfer my 5 month old from my bed to her crib?
You need to do this quick.

You just need to put her to bed in her crib and not in your bed. Let her cry until she falls asleep. Go in every 5 to 10 minutes and pick her up and hold her for a minute or 2 then lay her back down. Eventually this will get less and less and she will fall asleep on her own.Any advice on how to transfer my 5 month old from my bed to her crib?
If none of the other great methods on here work, try it slowly with a porta cot. Put it in your room next to your bed, once she gets used to sleeping in the cot near your bed, move it towards your door about 3 feet a night. Once she is sleeping next to your door, put it in the doorway of her room. Once she gets used to sleeping out of your room and in her own, move the cot closer to her real cot until it is right next to it, then transfer her into her cot. It might be a bit rocky getting her in the porta cot in the first place, but just try laying on your bed holding her till she goes to sleep, then put her in the cot. Good luck, i know how frustrating it can be not having your bed to yourself any more. Whenever both my kids and my husband are all asleep in my bed, i sleep on the couch, they all snore so even if there was enough room for me, the thunderstorm would keep me awake.
Try with nap times first. ALso a few minutes of play time a couple tiems a day.
I think the family bed is always a bad idea.Its so hard to get them to sleep in thier own bed once you have tired that.Good luck.
I was in the same boat with my second son...what I did was just start putting him in the crib all the time...cold turkey...yes he woke alot and it was so exhausting..especially getting up early in the morning with my older son, but within a week he was fine in his crib... now he will only go to sleep if he is in his crib and you leave the room..he doesnt like to be rocked or anything!!! (hes 12 months now)
wen he or she was bord why did u put her in the crib then.
We had the same thing. We decided that he was getting to big to sleep in our bed, and we just put him in his bed his favourite stuffed toy. The first night was awful, the second night bad, and by the third night of this he slept right through! Never feel sorry for the young one and take her into your bed again. You need to set the boundaries and keep by them. My son's crib is now his favorite place!
I put my baby in a travel playpen next to my bed for about a month and got him use to sleeping alone, yet still close (as much for me as it was for the baby!!) when it came time to put him in his crib he had no problems. Good luck!! all kids are different. My son refused to sleep in his crib for naps so I thought I was in for a world of trouble.....after a month in his crib at night he finally had his first nap in his crib the other day. I also rocked him to sleep and put him in bed after....he can now be put down awake and fall asleep on his own.
The best thing to do is to take your baby for naps and lay them down in the crib, but don't be afraid to do it at night because its easier now than later. My son use to sleep with me, but one night I just put him in his own room and and gave him a night light along with the radio and he did fine, it was alittle rocky the first two nights but he was 5 months old and now he's 18 months and he won't sleep anywhere but his own bed. My sister-in-law has my nephew and he will be 4 and he still sleeps with her and my brother and she regrets ever letting him get use to sleeping with them.
I like to use the sling and fling method.

You might prefer simply carrying the child to the crib, though.

Less wear and tear on the kid.
i agree that you should start with naps first.you could rock her to sleep or get her to fall asleep in your bed then put her in her crib.she will wake up to it and start to familiarize herself with it.then switch to getting her to actually fall asleep in her crib.do this one nap at a time.gradually build her up.and when she is ok with sleeping in her cribs for naps.put her in there for bedtime.
Make a bed time Routine:


Play time

Bath- Maybe some Aveeno Sleepy time bath bubbles, to calm and relax the baby

Read a story

And then time for bed. If you keep this up, she will get into a routine and always want to do it this way.... This will also help her to relax before going to bed, and might get her to fall asleep during the story.
It depends on her reaction to the whole thing. Sometimes you may be surprised that if the baby is tired enough and you put them in and sit there for a minute they go to sleep. Some will sleep if you leave the room entirely.

Some need to start in a crib beside the bed so they can still see you. Which may work well for you if she is still feeding many times during the night. You can slowly move the bed out of the room.

Starting with nap times may help, or not.

Also you might consider getting her a regular bed with a side rail (or just a mattress on the floor but then you must baby proof the room including bolting furniture to the walls-on the other hand you will have to do this eventually anyway), then you can snuggle her to sleep, and get up and leave her in her room. You can go in and out as necessary. But she is in ';her room'; and when she one day sleeps through the night consistantly she should, hopefully, start in her room and stay in her room.

Or you can get a cosleeper so you have enough room, and figure she'll move out when she's read ;-) Afterall where your baby sleeps depends on what gets the most/best sleep for everyone involved. The opinions of those who are not sleeping in the bed do not count.
It will need to be a slow process for adjustment. The baby will need something of yours that smells like you in the crib with her for comfort.

Start with some naps and place her in the crib when she is drowsy and not asleep already so she can get used to the new sleep place. Sometimes if they fall asleep somewhere else and wake up in a different place it scares them.

You will need to be patient with her. She may want some closer confinement since you are not next to her anymore. You may need to put her car seat in the crib so she feels close nit and secure for a while. This will get her used to the new room and sleeping on her own. Then she will want more room to move and will probably transition beautifully to the crib because she will want more room to move and will already be used to the room

Good Luck and I hope this will help.

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