I've been a smoker for almost a year now. I smoke Newports, atleast 3 to 5 cigarettes a day...Any advice or steps to a sucessful and proud smoking quitter? I'll vote for the most helpful answer. Thanks.Anyone with Advice and Tips on how to quit smoking?
My ex used the patch to great success while in the hospital for several days. But then she gave in when things got tough. So the patch works and works well. But you need to find a new way to deal with your stress and problems. Otherwise it's too easy to revert to old habits. But, you can do it. Go for it.Anyone with Advice and Tips on how to quit smoking?
I went through a pack or two a day for the last 20+ yr. I'm down to about a pack a week and it's getting easier. I put 4 cigs in a pack and smoke a few drags and butt it. When I'm out I'm out. I usually only smoke 3. They put a patch on me in the hospital and I didn't miss it at all. It's a waste of time, money, and your health. I spend more time walking and biking. I wish you luck...you can do it.
3 to 5 a DAY? get over your bad self - I'd barely consider you a smoker. I mean, kripe, smoke 20-30 a day then you can start complaining about how much your addicted. Here's some advice. Quit sticking them in your mouth.
Well I was a pack a day smoker for the last 25 years and on December 23 2006, I quit. I just decided I did not want to smoke anymore and I have not. I keep myself busy and I look for things to do when I find myself craving a cigarette. I have had to change a few things because there are things that trigger wanting to smoke such as before I lit up as soon as I finished eating now I either wash dishes or brush my teeth, when I wake up in the morning I jump in the shower and if I get mad or stressed I take a walk. You have to change the routines you have that make you want a cigarette. It is good you are trying to quit because the more and the longer you smoke the harder it becomes to stop.
well pray over it im not a smoker i no it might be hard but just dont think about it
I too smoked Newports. If you are smoking Newports, you are addicted. Stop before your addiction gets worse. It will, I guarantee you. The nicotine hit from that brand is among the highest you can get from any commercially packaged cigarette. A little over a year ago I started coughing more than usual. Figured it was just a cold that would not go away. My lungs hurt every time I took a deep breath. The day after Valentine's day, I started coughing up blood.
Looking for help and advice online, I found http://www.whyquit.com/
GO THERE. Read Bryan's Story http://www.whyquit.com/whyquit/BryanLeeC鈥?/a>
If that is not a wake-up call, nothing will be.
There are a lot of other helpful resources at the whyquit.com site with ideas to help you through the process. If you can understand the addiction and what to expect while you quit, you have a powerful weapon to beat it.
I'm still non-smoking; exactly 11 months smoke-free today. I will not have a normal lifespan, but at least my last months/years will not be as agonizing as they might otherwise be.
Quit NOW. 3 to 5 cigarettes a day is still enough to kill you. There is no magic number for how many cigarettes a day will cause damage. Look at Dana Reeve, wife of Chris Reeve. She was a nonsmoker, onlly exposed to secondhand smoke, and died of lung cancer at just 44 years old.
There's a reason I waited to respond to this and instead put it on my watchlist... I wanted to know everyone else's opinion/advice as much as you do. From personal experience, I've tried the patch. The first time with the patch, it gave me hives around the area the patch was in. About 5 years ago, I tried the gum and that stuff burns like hell and tastes like ****. About 6 months ago I went to see my doctor and he prescribed the patch AND wellbutrin to take the edge off. The patch felt like nothing, I was still craving cigarettes and going insane.. and the wellbutrin (an antidepressant) had the complete opposite affects on me. It was my 3rd day on it and I was in bed all day, crying my eyes out, depressed as I've ever been, it was absolutely horrible.
The reason one person on here was coughing up blood while smoking Newports is because the menthol is fiberglass... it cuts your throat up.
I haven't tried this, but I met a guy about a month ago (who sold me a car) who has been using the pill for a couple months and he went from smoking 2 packs a day to smoking 3-5 cigs a day. That may help you, but I have no idea....
While I tried quitting 6 months ago, I also called that quit line that's so popular. They're really not too dependable. You get scheduled for a ';session'; to talk to a counsellor and sometimes they just don't call.
3-5 cigarettes a day is nothing compared to some people. I smoke atleast 30 cigs a day and I just can't kick the habit no matter what I try... I've depended on these cancer sticks to help relieve stress for almost 10 years now and it absolutely sucks. I can't stand how addicted I've become.
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