Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I was looking for advice on how to set up a book club when I dont know many people in my area. . .?

I live on a military post and was thinking about maybe starting a book club, how would I go about doing that.I was looking for advice on how to set up a book club when I dont know many people in my area. . .?
As well as the previous excellent answer - is there a welfare officer on your base? It might be worth having a word with him/her. If you're a spouse rather than serving, he or she would know all about groups for spouses and children.I was looking for advice on how to set up a book club when I dont know many people in my area. . .?
Do you have a library or common area where you could post a flyer?

I also know a lot of military friends who are active on MySpace. You could check there for people in your area, or even get involved in a virtual book club!

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